Today's lesson was the first time that I have ever played around with Cinema4D so it was all completely new. I learnt the basics of how to use the lights and cameras. I first created a logo using my initials but the file corrupted so was not able to render. My second attempt I used some of my work from the 'Speculatry Futures'. On my timeline of women rights I created a diamond ring in illustrator, I then imported this file into C4d. My next step was to work out how to extrude the object. Adding a background and floor means that the ring will look like its in a space when rendering it out. I added a camera onto my composition to film the ring 360 degrees. Lighting was next on the list to do to ensure my object was visable. Before rendering I checked all the settings to make sure my final piece would look correct. Once happy I rendered out and added the clip onto my Vimeo account. Workshop 1- dimond ring from Jade Holmes on Vimeo .