I first created a cube using the dimensions 400x100x200 and added segments 2x1x1. So I could see the segments I had to turn on 'Gourd Shading (lines)' which meant the separate polygons were visible. I right hand clicked on the object and when to 'make editable which means that I would be able to edit the object. Making the centre two points selected using the points section tool I dragged it down 50/60 centimetres. I rotated round so I could see the top faces. In the tool bar I selected the faces two and selected the top two faces to begin to add more polygons onto my object. Right clicking brings up a menu, I selected extrude. When using the the extrude tool you would think you just drag the mouse in the direction you want extruding. This is not the case, to extrude correctly you need to drag the object to the right hand side while still holding the mouse button. I first extruded above what I alread...