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Cinema4d - Premiere Pro Presentation

Using the images provided we created a presentation using premiere pro. This is a software I have used in the passed but not extensively. After opening the Adobe software I created a new project and specified a location in which to save the file. I needed to create a new sequence; 'File' 'New Sequence' name the sequence and then select the preset  'HDV 1080p' 

I imported the images using the 'Cmd I' and locating the files I wanted. I then dragged my first image onto the timeline, before adding a few more into the sequence. I used the same image for the opening and ending of my presentation. Selecting the first image on my timeline, I search for Blur in the Effects menu, and added Gaussian Blur effect. I sat the 'bluriness' to 30 and applied it to the beginning of the first image in the presentation. I applied 'default transitions to the beginnings and ends of all the images. 

We were asked to add a title slide, selecting the type tool I named the project and added my name. Changing the font to 'Andale Mono' in a blue and aligned it to the left of the screen, with a black background. 
