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Showing posts from May, 2017

Sara's Workshops - Improved Character

I decided I wanted to retry the character animation, I decided to create a cut little dinosaur and make him walk and talk. Looking on the Free music archive I found a song called Dinosaur which I have got my character to speak and then dance to the song. Character Edit Improved. from Jade Holmes on Vimeo .

Rob Lycett Workshop - Manifesto

For this workshop we had to create our manifesto based on the work we did in a Monday Lecture. The point below are what it based it on. Passion  - key ingredients to being productive  If i do not find something interesting, or stimulating I struggle to work efficiently so therefore I will find and angle to work from every project which interests me.  Changing Perceptions  - Making the audience think  The only way to become successful in what I do is to make my audience want to decode my work and find meaning. This way it will be memorable.  Influence  - Historical, Culture and Social influence will help me inform my work.  By researching I will be able to determine if my theories and ideas will work or if they have been done before.  Re-evaluate - Aiming higher  I can always do something to improve my work and are it more appealing for its desired audience. Typography -  Always consider my typeface when working, it can change the feel of any piece. I defiant

Rob Lycett Workshop - InDesign Interactive PDF with Buttons

I was not able to upload the working interactive PDF due to it not being compatible with blogger, but i do have the screenshot above. In the interactive PDF which i created on InDesign I have managed to have a video play on the large yellow square. The other four buttons where for, stop, play, pause and rewind. This workshop was very helpful because it gave me the skills to be able to add into my production and research document PDF. 

Rob Lycett Workshop - Photoshop 'Faces'

This workshop entailed us editing images using Photoshop, we also were introduced to RAW files which we had to experiment with. Using the lasso tool too cut out the hair around the person. We also played around smart layers which i think will be beneficial in future work.

Rob Lycett Workshop - Indesign Helvetic Document

For the Helvetic deconstruction class we  were to create a publication which would display the work. I worked in a group with four others. We decided to uses the previous piece of deconstructed helvetica which we made in a Theory as Practice Lesson to be able to piece together a sense. We chose to write 'Helvetica is a neutral well glyphed typeface, Created by ...  We all took a page to out together, I worked with James and put together the front cover, pages, 3/4 and the last two pages. 

Morpholo Tiles

For Rob's workshop we looked into Morpholo Tiles, it is a fame which uses square tiles to challenger the player to make pieces which have design on the which on are touching certain sides of the square. This task enabled me to have a extended go with illustrator and learn the uses of even more of the tools. Manipulating the type to make it fit what I wanted it to do was something that I enjoyed. 

Inner Expression

A year two lecturer, called Jay took out Monday session and we went looked into how designers express themselves through there work. We then were ask to do the same in the lecture. I drew a joker juggling, at the time I felt as if i was juggling a million things and once and not doing well with much hence the joker. I felt as if it was becoming a bit of a joke.  After the session I added watercolours to the drawing. 

John Kelly's Workshop - Interior Studies

For the interior studies workshop we drew the inside of the building at the university. I went over to the Student Central and draw looking up, I also used watercolours to highlight the colour panel they have as railings. I was went into the Library and drew a section on the 5th floor. 

Sara Workshop - Collaboration Film

For our final workshop with Sara we were doing a collaboration project where we where all asked to create a 10 second animation which would be then added all together in a class animation. We where given the theme 'Things that fly' I decided to do a kite, unfortunately something went wrong with the background so it was black I have sense sorted this on my own version. A - MID afternoon finale from Motion-go on Vimeo .

Sara's Workshop - Character

For   this   workshop   we   had   to   once   again   prepare   content   before   hand   I   decided   to   create   two   elephants   walking   across   a   horizon .   The   elephants   had   to   be   drawn   on   Adobe   Illustrator   making   sure   all   limbs   where   separate .  I   then   imported   them   into   photo   shop   with   horizon   background   that   I   had   created   on   Photoshop .  Using   the   transform   options   I   began   to   make   the   animal   move   as   is   it   was   moving   and   the   used   the  ' positioning '  I   moved   it   cross   the   screen   to   give   the   illusion   of   movement Character Edit 1 from Jade Holmes on Vimeo .

Sara's Workshop - Aesop's Fable

For this workshop we were ask to prepare some content for the class to be able to work on creating the 10sec video. We were to pick a book or a poem. I came across a copy of Aesops fable on my bookshelf at home and decided to focus my attention on creating a depiction of the short fable. The Labourer and The Nightingale   A labourer lay listening to a Nightingale’s song throughout the summer night. So pleased was he with it that the next night he set a trap for it and captured it. “Now that I have caught thee,” he cried, “thou shalt always sing to me.” “We Nightingales never sing in a cage.” said the bird. “Then I’ll eat thee.” said the labourer . “I have always heard say that a nightingale on toast is dainty morsel.” “Nay, kill me not,” said the Nightingale; “but let me free, and I’ll tell thee three things far better worth than my poor body.” The labourer let him loose, and he flew up to a branch of a tree and said: “Never believe a captive’s promise; that’s one thin

Sara's Workshop - Font

For this workshop the prepared work was research into a font of our choice and then some mood boards on what we wanted the piece to look like, to help  us during the session. I looked into a font called Gill Sans, heres what i found : 1913 – Johnston Sans designed by Edward Johnston for the London Underground. Eric Gill worked as Johnston’s as an apprentice and even had a small role in designing the font. 1926 – Gill thought the font could be improved and strived to create the perfect legible typeface. 1928 – Stanley Morrison of Monotype released Eric Gills new font Gill Sans in capitials 1928 – Marketed by Monotype as "Classic simplicity and real beauty" 1929 – Gill Sans Lower Case was introduced. 1929 – London and North Eastern Railway chose the font for all its poster, timetables and publicity material, a use later extended across all British railways. 1935 – Penguin introduced their new design using Gill Sans on the iconic covers, designed by

Sara's Workshop - Quote

This workshop was to show how we could pan thorough objects on the screen using the camera. Overall I am not completely happy with the results, as I feel like it looks tacky. This is because I did not have the prepared content before the session meaning I had to rush to have something to work. I decided on a quote from Joker 'We stopped looking for monsters under our beds when we realised that they were inside of us' Quote Edit 1 from Jade Holmes on Vimeo .

Sara's Workshop - Colour Video

Colour Edit 1 from Jade Holmes on Vimeo . We spent the session creating the 10 second video which we all then uploaded onto Vimeo. We learnt how to make solid colour layers and music blend together to the beat of the song. I enjoy watching my final piece as the colours match the tone of the music. I chose the different colours by using a  aqua colour swatch shown below.

John Kelly's Workshop - Finished Type

I then need to finish and create the type on the computer so using these three semi-circles, i began forming each letter. The planes to have them as the base of every letter. Below is the finished outcome:

John Kelly's Workshop - Creating Typography

For John Kelly's workshop, we had to develop our typefaces, I began by making thumbnails to plan out what I was going to do on illustrator, using basic semi-circles I planned what I want to do.  Another full font I did which I based on my friend tattoo he has on his knee. 

John Kelly's Workshop - Typography ANESG

We have been tasked with creating a typeface which is influenced by the  images we have been given. I began by working through the alphabet attempting to create each letter with limited shapes. I found this challenging but I think the more I go into the more I enjoyed it. 

John Kelly's Workshop - Still Life

For this workshop we looked began looking into perspective as shown by the box drawings. All drawings where observations and created by hand in class. One of the tables had lots of type on so I replicated two of the letters on freehand and another on grid paper. I found this workshop challenging as I haven't done still life in quite a while but it was something that I did enjoy doing. 

John Kelly's Workshop - Observations on Location

For   the brief we had to do physical drawing around   Huddersfield Town Centre. Moving between to two different locations we drew objects around us while raining, and getting moved by security staff due to being a   ‘hazard’     I drew a plant pot as well as detailing of railings etc. I feel if I were to do this exercise again i would do it on a day which the weather was a lot nicer in order for me to be able to have dome better outcomes. 


In this session we were asked to work in groups and post produce the text and images excerpts provided to us and change them using processes such as deconstruction, intervention, layering, concealing, revealing, repositioning, enhancement, embellishment, destruction and creation. We were to then use out phones to create a short time-lapse film of this process, and of the outcomes.  We decided to create something using the theme 'Standing out from the crowd' Naturally as graphic designers we don't want to be sheep so using this short time-lapse film we had a graphic designer moving out from then sheep.

Branding and the Meaning of Life

My essay is going to be based on brand versus anti-brand therefore this lecture was very informative. I loved the way people actual use the same tactics as the brands do to make them look bad. Below are some examples of anti-brands:

Helvetica Seminar

During the seminar we where given helvetica in bold, thin in both negative and positive. The were asked to deconstruct them and then create our own letters.This was a follow on from the film, and highlighted how perfectly formed I feel helvetica is due to the way it can be used in so many situations. 

Helvetica Movie

The Helvetica movie is a  documentary about typography, graphic design, and global visual culture.People who were interviewed in the film included :  Erik Spiekermann, Matthew Carter, Massimo Vignelli, Wim Crouwel, Hermann Zapf, Neville Brody, Stefan Sagmeister, Michael Bierut, David Carson, Paula Scher, Jonathan Hoefler, Tobias Frere-Jones, Experimental Jetset, Michael C. Place, Norm, Alfred Hoffmann, Mike Parker, Bruno Steinert, Otmar Hoefer, Leslie Savan, Rick Poynor, and Lars Müller. These are all influence designers which have helped more graphic design forward.  The interview with Massimo Vignelli was  my favourite part when he was showing us the work he did on American Airlines. Really inspired me as I am interested in rebranding, and creating something as timeless as he has.