Jonathan Lindley is a graphic designer and animator who went through my course ahead of me and now does lectures for the first year students. It was very inspiring to be bale to listen to someone who has been in the same position as me and I can relate with. He highlighted the important aspects of design, and that the work we do now doesn't define us, we can improve using the tools at disposable given to us my our lectures and the University.
Lindley spoke to us about converge and how it applies to graphic design. Also giving us advice on how to approach a course to do well. The definition of converge is to come together from different direction to eventually meet. Convergence is the translation of information. This basically is the important part in between information being communicated and understood. As a designer my purpose is to communicate and to do this I need to send a clear message. Using tools at my disposal to my advantage if a way to improve my communication.
Catalytic Culture
The term Catalytic Culture can be defined by breaking down the phrase. A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of chemical reaction without going through a chemical change. Culture relates to the ideas, customs and social behaviour of a particular people or society. In summary Catalytic Culture is the point when ideas mature, and influences people by communication efficiently.
Ideas develop over a long time period but when the idea matures to the point of translation this is called convergence.
An audience needs to be able to receive your work with maximum clarity to ensure this happens, as a designer, you will need to do extensive market research.
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